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Microblading - Québec - Canada

THE MICROBLADING comes from an ancestral Asian gesture, it is also called 6D technique, it is a technique of PERMANENT MAKEUP 

which allows restructure an eyebrow in a “larger than life ”.

This is a drawing of the eyebrows made using a pen and nano needles joined together on the same line. Rest assured, it's not painful.

This "pen" allows you to obtain an extremely fine rendering and a perfect replica of the hair of your natural eyebrow.

We first redraw the shape of the eyebrow in pencil, then only after the technique can begin, the entire eyebrow will be filled in with ultra-fine lines which will imitate the hair to perfection.

The natural effect is guaranteed from the end of the service!

A touch-up session is necessary approximately four weeks after the first session, to fix the pigmentation work and ensure it lasts for approximately one year. Subsequently, it will be necessary to consider touch-ups (maintenances) which will allow the eyebrows to always be kept perfect. 


Powder Brows - Québec - Canada

THE PERMANENT MAKEUP eyebrows, allows you to reshape your eyebrows in a more "sustainable" way than the MICROBLADING, for this technique we use an electric “pen” which will inject the pigment more deeply.

Thanks to this technique, you will have perfect eyebrows at all times. Something to be proud of your eyebrows.

Several effects are possible:

POWDERED EYEBROWS:Allows you to obtain a result similar to the pencil line but lighter.

HAIR TO HAIR: As for theMICROBLADING, we can draw hairs, however these will not have the same fineness and over the years risk giving a slight filling effect.


This technique is proposed for those who want a more made-up and more intense effect or to correct old dermopigmentation.


Eye Liner - Permanent Makeup - Québec - Canada

Who has never dreamed of a EYELINER, all day long, which does not run or smudge? This is possible thanks to PERMANENT MAKEUP eyes.

Several effects are possible:

EYELASH ROW : Perfect for those who just want to give the impression of having a fuller base of eyelashes, for this, we create the illusion by increasing the natural line of your eyelashes, you will thus have an intensified look. 

The EYE-LINER : For this technique, we thicken a little more than for a trim of eyelashes and we can if we wish, add a small tip. This technique enlarges the eye with finesse and guarantees you the doe-eye effect.


This technique is reserved for those who like a more sophisticated, more intense make-up, we start on the basis of the classic Eye-Liner but this one will be thick.


Lip Blush - Candy Lips - Permanent Makeup

No more lipstick that fades or leaves traces, with the PERMANENT MAKEUP lips, you can enlarge lips that are too thin or correct asymmetry.

We can either draw the LIP CONTOUR or make additional filling.

Filling can be done using different techniques:


CANDY LIPS by Maud: We work on the lip with a gradient of several nude colors which gives a volume effect and enhances your lips, the result is very natural and glamorous.


FULL LIPS: for this technique, there is no color gradient that is done, the color will have the same intensity on all of your lips. 

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